Sunday, November 3, 2019

CBS DND Cartoon Miniatures

I backed a kickstarter a while back created by Antediluvian Miniatures. It had a series of models that were grown-up version of the kids from the DND Cartoon that I watched as a kid during the 80's. I loved that show, even thought the censors had gutted it of any violence, which, let's just admit it here is part and parcel of a typical DND game.

I also picked up a Unicorn from reaper Minitures to be Uni. Bobbi's mini has a unicorn skull as a shoulder pad, but that seemed harsh, so I bought the Unicorn.

I have not found anything that states what the name for the kid's name for there adventuring company, so I have take to calling them "The Homelost".

The Nightmare King

    It's been a while since my last post. Here is where we are at now. We (Cap and I) have done over 25+ sessions for the first DND Story arc of the 'Oracle of the City' campaign, called 'The Nightmare King'. We have 4 session left and then we are taking a hiatus from DMing for a few months, due to the impossibility for keeping a group together through the holiday season.

I was inspired by Daarken's painting on the MtG card "Dream Eater" to be the Nightmare King, but I needed a miniature for it and I saw Atlantis Miniature's Sphinx and saw how similar they were to one another and a BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy) was born.

So without further adieu, I present to you The Nightmare King;