Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tools: Supplies: Pre-Painting

Supplies: Pre-Painting


Primer comes in 3 "styles". White, Color, and Black. The Pros and Cons for each is listed below:
Pro: White is used to show great bright/light colors
Con: If you miss a spot it is really obvious

Pro: Used to Speed up the painting process
Con: Limited selection of colors. Even with a limited selection this option can be costly.

Pro: Enhances Shadows
Con: Colors may appear muted unless several coats of paint are applied

Needlenose Pliers:

These pliers work great to grab pieces of flash.

X-ACTO Knife:

This knife works great to remove pieces of flash.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Tools: Supplies: Painting



This is what my current workstation looks like (the corner of the dining room table). It is portable and easy to pick up and put away when needed. The above items AND paints AND primer are your bare necessities for a workstation.
Mug: $10
Brushes: $20
Palette: $10
Lamp: $30
SUB-TOTAL: $70 (Does NOT include price of paint -or- primer)

Paintbrush Types: 


Each company's paint has slightly different traits these including range, price,and thickness 

These are a few of the companies/paint products that I use.
  1. Army Painter
  2. Createx
  3. Decorart
  4. Faskotol
  5. Apple Barrel
  6. Folk Art
  7. Reaper
  8. Smart
  9. Games Workshop

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mission Statement

This blog is going to follow my experiences as I pursue the hobby of wargaming. Initially, my focus will be Clan Wars (Originally by AEG Games).  Deepwars (Antimatter Games), Vor and beyond.

A word of caution: I am a speed painter. I am do not normally paint 1 miniature over a 10 1/2 hour period. I applaud those that do. That is not something I normally find the time to do.

I trend towards painting a standard miniature (25mm-32mm) in 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours. My overall intent is to create a multi-layered work of art but to paint pieces for a game that I know will be touched, moved, stored, and yes, upon occasion... dropped by my friends and family.

I hope that this blog will enlighten, entertain, energize those who wish to paint, but may be intimidated, or have fallen out of the hobby, or just want to look at some neat pictures.

